Welcome to Gold Door Publishing

Gold Door Publishing’s main goal is to help bridge a gap that exists between mainstream thinking and the sometimes complicated world of metaphysics. Gold Door Publishing seeks to provide their readers with a positive experience, one that will help them to feel more connected to their own Angel Guides, Spirit Guides and their loved ones waiting on the other side. Gold Door Publishing has a sincere desire to help educate and empower others through psychic awareness by building bridges and breaking down barriers that exist both in the physical and in the mind.
Love, Light and Truth.


Book Titles

The Angel Diaries

“The Angel Diaries “deals with a variety of sensitive and provocative issues.  It requires the reader to have if nothing else an open mind. Having worked as Psychic Medium and Clairvoyant for many years Cyndee felt the need to bridge a gap that existed between mainstream thinking and the metaphysical world.
It wasn’t until the loss of her own mother, grandmother and son’s father within a three year period that Cyndee felt so compelled to finish writing this book. The information is authentic and deals with issues of crossing over, spirit communication and a hierarchy of angels and spirits guides.
You may laugh or you may cry. You may even feel an angelic presence standing right by your side. Angels are always with us even if we are not consciously aware of their presence. They offer us much love, in the form of guidance and healing.  Please invite them to join you as we embark on a journey that knows no boundaries. Step into time and space. Surround yourself in a ball of white light, make yourself comfortable and open the door to ALL that awaits you on the other side.
Enjoy the ride and please remember to ALWAYS allow an angel to be your spirit guide

Currently Available in the following formats:







About the Author

Psychic Cyndee Pawliczek

Psychic Cyndee is a PSYCHIC MEDIUM and CLAIRVOYANT. She hosts a Live Radio and Television Talk Show and is also a Newspaper Columnist. She has predicted and broadcast several events prior to their occurrence such as the 2004 Tsunami, 9/11, the earthquakes in China, Haiti and several other global events.
In her newspaper column” PSYCHIC MOMENTS” she has addresses a variety of reader based psychic questions and also makes accurate psychic predictions

She serves as an inter-dimensional bridge helping others to communicate with both their own spirit guides and loved ones on the other side.
As an ordained minister and Reiki Master she works to facilitate healing. Reiki is a Japanese originated therapy based on “life force energy”. She can be reached for Psychic Consultation at www.psychiccyndee.com

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Florida, NY 10921
